ART 251A | FALL 2016
Lettering and Typography
instructor: Omid
cell: 323.206.6643
(Dates and projects are subject to change)
n WEEK 01 ________________________________________________
Sep 22.
Supplies, Books, Due dates, Online communication,
In-class projects, Assignments/Projects, written exams, Final,
Review Syllabus, Office hours, Presentation,
n WEEK 02 ________________________________________________
Sep 27.
Review on Basic Elements of 2D Design:
Point, Line, Shape, Texture, Value, Color, …
Review on 2D Design Principles:
Unity, Balance, Rhythm,
Type? Why?
Helvetica ~ McDonald (?)
History (short vimeo)
Hand warming - Define Typography! Hand-warming
Reading: Thinking with Type (P13-P26)
Sep 29.
Hand-warming exercise review
Let's collect some stone!
Continue on History/Categories/Anatomy
In-Class [Exercise]
Introducing Project #1: [Morticed Character]
Prj #1 Initial due date: Oct 4th. (4 Sketches and 4 comps on a single character)
Prj #1 Due date: Oct 6th. (Extended to 11th.)
n WEEK 02 ________________________________________________
Oct 04.
Prj #1 Initial due date: Oct 4th. (4 Sketches on a single character)
Review sketches on Project #1 and Exercise
Continue on Anatomy of Type
*Cover of Grafik Tasarim Magazine
Oct 06.
Type Size and Measurement
Due today: Review on sketches and finializing the best comps on Morticed character
(Final version will be due on Tue Oct 11th.)
Reviewing Exercise #1 sketeches (Image/Letter Synthesis)
n WEEK 03 ________________________________________________
Oct 11.
Due Today: Project #1 Final version
Review final sketches on Exercise 1
(at least 4 sketches/comps in acceptable quality)
Due on Monday Oct 17th. 8pm. PDF Format via email.
Reading [pdf]
* Make sure your laptop is ready-to-use in class on Tuesday.
(charger, software, …)
Introducing Project #2: [Image and Type] [Example]
Choose your words!
Review on Pen Tool!
Oct 13.
Sketeches on Project #2
Studio day - Developing Sketches to appropirate comps
Online sources. Feedly, Flipaboard, News.
n WEEK 04 ________________________________________________
Oct 18.
Due Today: Project #2 (Print/Digital)
Print, mounted on foam core (11x17) - 1” margin
Digital, emailed before 1pm
Legibility and Readability
Legibility factors
In-Class [Exercise]
Introducing Project #3: [Type Styles] [Example]
-Did you sign-up for your presentation?!(Evonnie and Raveena! your spot is reserved)
-Make sure you’ll take your Project #1
Oct 20.
Short review on Exercise #2 (events)
Studio Day-
Review and finalizing project #3 Type Style pairs
n WEEK 05 ________________________________________________
Oct 25.
Due Today: Project #3 on Graphics paper
Hierarchy / Readability
Signals / Systems
Re-visiting Exercise #2
due on Wed 8pm. by email.
Oct 27.
Introducing Project #4: [19 Rules of Typography] [Example]
Content in Word .doc [txt]
Grid [Example]
How about a quiz or a tiny mid-term? Next week Thursday
n WEEK 06 ________________________________________________
Nov 01.
Presentation: Tiffani (Subject: Birth of the User)
Manny (Subject: Type as Program)
Due Today: 6 sketches on Project #4
Vote for your classmate sketches!
Grid in Design and InDesign!
[Grid Keys]
Nov 03.
Presentation: Lindsey (Subject: Line Spacing/Alignment)
Tiffany (Subject: Type Classifications/ Type families)
Due Today: Project #4 /2 developed sketches/comps on paper
Grid [Exercise] / InDesign
Translating your design to 12 Column grid / InDesign
n WEEK 07 ________________________________________________
Nov 08.
Presentation: Paulina (Subject: Hierarchy)
Jaeho (Subject: Mixing Typefaces)
Due Today: 2 comps in Indesign format / please email them before class.
Save your files as:
We review your possible covers. (Developed sketch or preferably InDesign)
Introducing Project #5: [Type Specimen]
Type Specimens by Ilene Strizver
Typeface List:
Gill Sans
Cooper Black
Avenir LT std
Clarendon LT Std
Franklin Gothic
ITC Avant Garde Gothic
Trade Gothic LT Std
Download [Fonts]
Download [Samples]
Nov 10.
Presentation: Evonnie (Subject: Packaging)
Raveena (Subject: Postponed)
Due Today: Draft Print in final size/trimmed
Review complete booklet in Indesign (all 26 panels)
Due Today: Your printed materials on Project 5 (typeface, research, samples, etc)
Email 2 comps before midnight on Nov14th. (Format: yourname_prj5_comp1.pdf)
n WEEK 08 ________________________________________________
Nov 15.
Presentation: Kimberly (Subject: ?)
Jesh (Subject: Enlarged Capitals/Marking Paragraph/Captions)
Due Today: Booklet Project 4 (Digital Version in PDF format)
You must email the InDesign AND PDF file by the end of Monday Nov 14th.
It means 11:59pm Monday 14th at latest.
We will work on your file during class time on Tuesday 15th. to make it ready for print.
Format: yourname_prj4_final.indd AND yourname_prj4_final.pdf
Due Today: We will select your final comp on Project 5 to develop.
Nov 17.
Presentation: Yena (Subject: Grid System from "Typographic System”)
Hyeonhwa (Subject: Hierarchy)
Kimberly - From Tuesday Nov 15. (Subject: ?)
Due Today: Booklet (printed/trimmed/folded/binded)
Due Today: We go over your 2 comps on Project 5.
If you did not send me your copms yet, please do so.
(Or if you changed your idea, please send me the latest version)
Introducing Project #6
You will email 2 comps before midnight Nov 21st. [postponed:(]
n WEEK 09 ________________________________________________
Nov 22.
Presentation: Kristofer (Subject: Type and Signs/Hand painted Signs)
Madeline (Subject: Anatomy)
Leo (Subject: Display Typefaces)
Due Today: Project 5, Type Specimen (Printed/Mounted)
Please email your final file in jpeg with the highest quality.
Format: yourname_prj5_final.jpg
Introducing Project #6 [KIISFM Top40]
KIISFM [Logos]
Nov 24.
n WEEK 10 ________________________________________________
Nov 29.
Review Final Exam
Review Project 6
Presentation: Carolina (Subject: Monster Fonts)
Angely (Subject: Font Formats/Font Licensing)
Pablo (Subject: ?)
All remaining students!
Due Project 6 (Digital version): By the end of Nov 30th
Dec 01.
Due Today: Project 6, Mounted
Win a TypeTote!
and Goodbye!
n WEEK 11 ________________________________________________
Dec 08.
- FINAL EXAM (11:30AM-1:30PM)